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Welcome NYSCOPBA Members

Welcome to the BlueSky Advantage program, where we believe that everyone deserves access to quality hearing benefits. Our program is specifically designed to cater to and support members of NYSCOPBA, providing them with comprehensive coverage and exceptional service. We understand the importance of maintaining good hearing health, and our mission is to make it easy and affordable for NYSCOPBA members to do just that. With BlueSky Advantage, you can trust that you're getting the best care possible for your hearing needs.

Blue Skies

BlueSky NYSCOPBA Benefit

At BlueSky Advantage, we are committed to providing NYSCOPBA members with advanced hearing aids that meet their unique needs and preferences. With our program, you can expect access to a wide range of premium hearing aids that are designed to deliver exceptional sound quality, comfort, and durability.


Our Cost 

Advanced Hearing Aids

  • $3000.00/ Pair ($0 out of pocket with the Empire insurance benefit

Premium Hearing Aids

  • $3600.00/ Pair ($600 out of pocket with the Empire insurance benefit



All Hearing Aids come with:

  • 3-Year Warranty

  • 3- Year Aftercare Package

    • Clean & Checks​

    • Adjustments

  • Supplies​

    • Domes/ Wax Guards

    • Tubes/ Receivers

  • 3- Year (one time) Loss and Damage Coverage

*Some products qualify for a 4-year warranty plan. Ask your provider for details



  • Comprehensive Hearing Evaluation by the licensed hearing care professional 

  • Hearing Aid Selection We work with you to select the best hearing aids for your needs and preferences

  • Provide 3 years of aftercare to ensure that your hearing aids are working properly and that you are getting the most out of your investment. 

To enhance your hearing abilities, you can follow these three essential steps.

Feel free to reach out to us by phone or fill out the contact form below.

Our Hearing Consultant, who is solely devoted to your hearing needs, will assist you with any inquiries you may have, review your insurance coverage, and arrange a consultation.


Please make sure to attend  scheduled appointment.

Once you connect with a nearby hearing health provider, they will administer a comprehensive hearing assessment and advise you on suitable hearing aids that cater to your hearing impairment, financial situation, and way of life. With the aid of our BlueSky Advantage program, we can save you around $2800.00 on a set of advanced level hearing aids or no money out of pocket with the Empire plan.  

Receive the necessary support to meet your needs.

As you reintegrate into the realm of sound, we will continue to be at your service. Your hearing health provider will offer follow-up care to guarantee that your hearing aids are correctly fitted and functioning appropriately. Additionally, BlueSky hearing care providers will provide continuous support to assist you in becoming accustomed to your new hearing aids.


Contact Us

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©2023 by BlueSky Advantage.

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